Educational Games
Game Count
Played 1,664 times
67 4

Name of game:

Sweet Sugar Slide


Do you have a fast reaction? This cute game can test it! Sweet Sugar Slide is a beautiful and colorful arcade game about candies. If you are a candy lover, don't miss it. You need to control a candy collector to collect candies. The special candy collector can only recognize candies in the same color with it. So adjust its direction and try to get a high score. Enjoy it!

How to play?

Tap to Play / Mouse

Walkthrough Video:

Date of publish:

10/29/2018 12:48:15 PM

Similar Categories:

2019 Education Educational Fast Fast Thinking Games For Kids HTML5 Mobile Quick Quick Reaction Quick Thinking Reaction Scores Tablet

Original Name:

Sweet Sugar Slide

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Sweet Sugar Slide Walkthrough Video - How to Play?